
Grand Theft Auto is commonly abbreviated as GTA would have been very popular among gamers. There have been many sequels are launched from GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas until now the sequel is back again with the latest title is Grand Theft Auto IV. This is the first time Rockstar terpopulernya launch the game in next-gen console. Therefore, you can expect to see many changes in this game, be it appearance or quality of the game. But can the Rockstar make improvements to the best hit of this?

In GTA4, you'll be back to explore Liberty City, which also once appeared in GTA3. But the scenery you will see in Liberty City, this time it has changed a lot. You will feel the life of a new city very different from the sequel-sequel ever. State of the city is much more solid this time, either by motor vehicles or pedestrians. Tall buildings and magnificent Liberty City also meet this time. When you explore this city in GTA4, you will feel that the city has changed, really become more alive.

This time you will play as a former Russian soldier, named Nico Bellic. Man this one has been trained in using a variety of shooting and guns, and also good in terms of fighting hand-to-hand. Initially known that Nico came to Liberty City to try his fortune, working with his cousin named Roman. It turns out his cousin had sent an e-mail to Nico tells how luxurious life in Liberty City. Reading e-mail, Nico was interested to come visit her cousin earlier. However, after Nico off the boat and set foot in the Liberty City area, he began to feel cheated by his own cousin.

Roman came to pick up Nico using an old car that already looks very outdated. Roman then brings Nico to the apartment he had leased, and it turns out the apartment was too small and very shabby. Roman life was not in accordance with e-mail saying that she was living in luxury.

Start the Nico's life in Liberty City, the first step to help his cousin work as a taxi owner's agent. Eventually will be revealed that Roman has a lot of debt on a mystery man who then caused a big problem. Nico was finally dragged into the issue and finally Roman enemies began to emerge. In addition, it also revealed that the main reason Nico came to Liberty City is not because the e-mail from Roman, but he had other more important goals. What exactly is the purpose of this Nico? Could Nico and completed the mission's arrival? To determine the continuation of this interesting story, immediately play GTA4!

Become Criminals
Start the game, you'll be given a wide range of basic tips to play this game. Ranging from how to drive a car, pulled the save game, how to replenish lost health, and so forth. And later in the middle of the game will be given more tips on how to move the helicopter, where to buy weapons and others. But for those of you who've never played the previous GTA sequel-sequel definitely will not feel strange with GTA4 this time.

Surely in this GTA4 you still play as a criminal involved in various crimes. The mission will you come across very diverse, ranging from delivering a person to a place while protecting it, a sniper from the roof of the building, blowing up buildings, steal cars and helicopters, killed important people, to rob a bank and chased the police.

The story in this game is arguably very interesting. Character will be betrayed and betrayed. Then involved in various murders. Besides Roman will also be pursued by debt collectors and Nico have to protect it, to have to fight desperately to save her cousin earlier. Friendship and hostility also appears in this game, as well as scenes of romance.
Need a car?
As usual, a lot of things you can do in this game. Out of the apartment for the first time, of course you need a vehicle to begin around Liberty City. From where the vehicle? You do not need to buy it, but can simply take the vehicle belongs to someone else. When he saw the vehicle on the road you want to use, immediately approached the vehicle and with one button (Y), you can simply take over the car. Nico will immediately open the door of the car and immediately pulled out of the car owner. Then you can simply step on the gas leaving the scene of piracy had.

If the owner does not want bersihkeras car out of the car, then Nico will directly hit or even kick the owner had then pulled out. Having succeeded in occupying the driver's seat, it helps if you step on the gas directly. If too long silence, the owner of the car could have been trying to get his car back. He will be re-opened the door and pull out Nico. But there are also car owners who will immediately fled in fear after you pull it out.

Car repair shop still called Pay n Spray. Log into your car this place will be repaired and repainted as well with other colors. Then there is also a car wash, where your car will be washed and finally came out in a shiny like-new condition. Equipment in the car wash is very similar to the original.

When the action of car hijacking in progress, if there are police near the scene, then the police would soon catch up. Stealing a car is only giving one star alone (number of stars shows the level wanted). The police will only chase by running alone.

Doing more severe criminal acts, like killing people, then you will get more stars. Getting two stars means the police that you encounter will immediately come after you. 3 stars means the police car will start popping up and trying to stop your car. The more stars you get, the more difficult it is to be run from the police chase. The number of stars you can earn a maximum of 6 units. What happens if you get 4,5, or 6 stars? Have you try it yourself!

To end a police chase, you must eliminate all the stars that you got earlier. And to eliminate the star, you should get out of the zone of police pursuits. Radar displayed on the left of the screen is very useful in this case. Position your character is always in the middle of the radar. When police began to chase you, then it will appear circular zone where you are right in the middle of it. Your goal is to get out of the zone. If you managed to get out of this zone, then the star will begin to flicker and after a few seconds will disappear, and the chase was ended.

However, if a police officer who saw you when stars have not lost, then the zone in which your character will move back in the middle of a new circle. When the star expands, then the circle will become even greater. To avoid cross paths with another cop, you should pay attention to the radar. All the police are close to you will be marked with a small circle icon flickering. By looking at the radar, you can find out where the police and immediately seek a new route to avoid them.

Another way to eliminate wanted level is to enter the pay n spray (garage in GTA). The car will be repaired and painted a new color so police will not recognize your car. Stars twinkle will direct. At the time of the twinkling stars, you should not do the crime again. If you do a new crime, the twinkling stars that were going to back down and the zone will move again.

Later the police will also use helicopters and SWAT trucks to chase you. SWAT truck was carrying some of SWAT personnel at once. If you stop, then the personnel will soon come down and start menembakimu. SWAT truck is very strong, if you drive a small car and then the front of the car hit the truck at breakneck speed, then the character will be thrown out through the windshield. This also applies to other large vehicles. But this is not the maximum power of the police. And what about the Wanted Level highest level, namely the six stars? A clear action romp will be more exciting again

Various kinds of weapon to use
Speaking of weapons, many weapons can you carry at once. This seemed odd because Nico did not carry a bag and also no visible weapons carried on his back. So just show up immediately weapon in the hands of Nico.

You can fight at close range or direct fire on enemies from afar with a lot of gun choices. Fighting at close range, you can simply use a fist to beat the enemy. Want to finish the fight at close range with a faster, you can choose baseball bat. Even faster with a knife.

For the choice of gun, you can carry a pistol, shotgun, SMG, assault rifle, sniper rifle, and eventually grenades and rocket launcher. For the pistol to a sniper rifle, you have two choices. Each type of weapon consisting of two kinds, one much longer than the second. And second arms began to appear after you finish enough missions.

Bullets can be purchased at the store, but an enemy that you kill also drop the bullet. Because the action shoot-out easy enough, then the bullet is spent not so much. Therefore, rarely do you need to go to a gun store and buy ammunition except for the rocket launcher only.

Like the first, into the police car you will get a shotgun and then additional ammunition. Switching weapons become more powerful second type does not waste ammo you had before. So the weapon shop is not so functional in this game. Maybe just to buy body armor if it will perform dangerous missions only.

Different kinds of places
There are so many public places you can visit in GTA4. There is no hunger in-game stats, and lots of eating well do not gain weight like San Andreas had. This time the function of eating is to replenish lost health. For dining options, you can visit or Cluckin Burgershot Bell. Then there is also a hot dog stand on the curb.

In addition to dining, there is also a playground like darts, bowling, and billiards. All three played like a mini-game in general play a complex manner. Another place you can visit the Cabaret Show and Strip Club.

In this game there are also Internet Café (here called the cafe). Visiting this place you can use one of the computers available to access the internet. You can browse to sites that are available, and also access e-mail into the inboxmu. Via e-mail address is you can get additional missions that are not less exciting. But the point is simply to earn extra money.

Using a mobile phone
Nico will be given mobile phones by Roman. This mobile phone you can use untu range of activities. The storyline often continues with notification via mobile phones. If there are new people who call you, then the new contact will appear and you can call back the person's location. People will tell you to meet them and then give further missions.

In addition to the mission, people who have become friends would quite often call you to take out a walk or you can invite them. Friends can be a girl or a boy. For guy friends, it is usually not so difficult. As for girlfriends, you should pay attention to your appearance. Clothes that you wear will affect the girls reaction when they first climbed into the car. Destination for a date also influential. There is an athletic girl, so her favorite sport to go to places like bowling. Each girl has a different personality.

The advantage of having friends is a guy you can get help from them. If the likeness and respect their character's high enough, then you can call them and ask for back up (help). Not long after some friends last shipment will come to your aid.

Besides mobile phones also have another function, which is used in certain missions. For example, when you are required to steal a police car but you do not find any car you are looking for, then you can contact 911 and the police would soon come to your location. All telephone, SMS, and e-mail you can reply with a good reply or bad reply. Good reply will enhance the likeness and respect of friends, whereas the opposite effect bad reply.

Mobile you can change-change his ringtone and theme. New ringtone can be purchased via the internet. How to get the theme is no different with the ringtone. Then ringtones and themes you can set as desired. Besides the font size can also be changed. Then there is also a sleep mode that can be activated to stop all phone-related missions in the game. That way you can surround the town quietly.

Exploring the city
erdapat three main islands in Liberty City. And as usual, only one island that you can access at the time of starting the game. The road to the second island was closed by police. If you're trying to break through, the wanted level will immediately reach level 6.

The island contains the first course that looks somewhat shabby housing, then the second island is much more luxurious and the third island is an industrial area. There are toll roads where you should stop and pay at the tollbooth there. If you break through the tollbooth then the police will chase you. The city featured this time is much more crowded than ever. Lots of vehicles that meet the traffic. Pedestrians also enliven the atmosphere of the city. Clothing worn people around you look very diverse, rarely there are two people who dress the same run close together.

Map provided as usual has a map legend. There are icons that indicate the location of public places and places of the mission for you. But for public places like restaurants and playgrounds will not appear on the map before you find and enter the building first.

There is also a GPS that will show the nearest legal road to achieving your goals. As in the TDU, there is a sound operator who will guide you in choosing the path. You will hear a sound like Turn Right and others as long as you activate the GPS.

Although the city is so big and so dense, it turns out the game still runs smoothly, there is no lag. New'll feel when you drive a car at high speed. Loading is also not so much, only happens when you move like entering the safehouse or accessing a mission.

Safehouse is not so widely available, and you will get for free along with the development of the story. Safehouse also had no garage to store cars, but you have to put the car in front of the safehouse, in a restricted section of road is yellow lines. Parking in the zone, your car will be saved and will still be there when you resume the game, unless you bring your car to go and you do not return to this zone again.

Increased Grafig
There is a noticeable difference in graphics. The character designs look much more realistic now. Vehicles may be heavily damaged to split asunder. This damage looks very realistic. Car shot glass no longer break the whole, but only occurs a small bullet hole course. Machine in front of the car looks much better than previously seen only polosan only.

Went to a clothes shop, you'll see a lot of shirts, pants, hats, and shoes on-display. All garments are on display here that you can buy in the store. So, if you're browsing on the display a black coat, black coat that's it then you can try. So browsing in accordance with their respective displays.

Substitution of day and night are also present in this game. And there was also the atmosphere of the morning and afternoon. At night, street lights, buildings and bridges will be lit so that the city looks very beautiful. Vehicle lights had just hit or was hit will look broken, do not just die. Car lights can also be damaged side (broken one) so that light rays that emerge also from only one light, two lights are not fixed.

When it rains, then the street will look wet and the tires will bring a splash of water when walking. In case of rain was not going to look dusty streets. Also there foggy atmosphere that feels very realistic and really complicate the outlook.

Movement is much more flexible character, Nico can hide behind objects with the back attached to the object and then raises his head and hands to aim the target. People who are trying to open car doors that are running can be dragged and finally fell. Hit people carrying certain items such as newspapers or bags, the luggage will fall.

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